RE/MAX Québec

Team Isabelle and Claude

Real Estate Brokers
RE/MAX Dynastie

Team Isabelle and Claude

As a couple and working partners, we know that communication is the key to success! That's why we combine our strengths such as our professionalism, our expertise and our attentive listening to make your experience a pleasant one.

Buying or selling a home is often accompanied by stress and anxiety. That's why we make sure that this situation becomes a pleasant and rewarding stage of life.

We take the time to understand your needs. We always work as a duo. This means that you can count on both of us, not just one or the other. You can be sure of our support throughout the process!

At RE/MAX, we REALLY take care of everything!


Team Isabelle and Claude

  • Isabelle Patenaude Isabelle Patenaude
  • Claude Courtemanche Claude Courtemanche

Our properties


Useful Resources


Properties recently sold


Co-ownership professionals

This program offers our co-ownership professionals workshops, video capsules and podcasts as well as fact sheets and other practical tools to allow them to continually update their knowledge.

Learn more

Contact us to sell or buy a property

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